Low-Histamine AND Lectin-free Combined Food List (Grocery List with Printable!) + latte recipe! (2024)

I may receive a commission if you purchase through links in this post. I am not a doctor; please consult your practitioner before changing your supplement or healthcare regimen.

A sometimes discouraging challenge arises for many of us when health circ*mstances lead us to adopt two restrictive diets at the same time. This post combines two diets: low-histamine and lectin-free (or low lectin), to help those who need to navigate grocery shopping and cooking (and eating!) with many new restrictions. This Low-Histamine AND Lectin-free Combined Food List article is meant to free up your mind a bit on the subject, reduce stress and help you make one more big step toward wellness.

This article also includes one very special recipe, by way of encouragement: Chicory Breve Latte! (Find it toward the bottom of this post.)

(Scroll down to get the low histamine & low lectin diet printable! 🙂 )

My Story

For those of you who are curious, this is the diet I am doing right now! I had a recklessly healthy summer, and I exercised too much (because I felt great)! One day I went for a long jog (for me) when there was smoke in the air from nearby fires. The lymph nodes behind my ear swelled up, a rash broke out, my energy tanked … and I have never been the same since! I am doing SO much better now, but it took me tens of hours of research to understand what happened to my body. Now I will plod on to get well again. I should have been more careful. Now I know two triggers to be more careful of in the future!

Usually there is a silver lining, and in my case there is one too: My belly has never felt so good. All those years on the GAPS diet weren’t enough, because Dr. Natasha didn’t share about lectins. While it’s no walk in the park to eliminate them, my gut is healing in new ways, and for that I am grateful!

UPDATE!!! I am super encouraged and excited to share with you that I have a new breakthrough. The rash that started behind my ear ended up moving to different spots on my face. I won’t go into all of the details here, but suffice it to say that I’ve spent months researching how to overcome my histamine issue, extreme lectin sensitivity and rashes. Please read or scroll to the bottom of this post for the details of my breakthrough.

Low Histamine, Lectin-free Diet

Because of the work of Dr. Steven Gundry and his book, The Plant Paradox (find it here), knowledge about lectins and their link to leaky gut has spread. This news can be empowering when it leads to improved health. The work of Dr. Ben Lynch (here’s his book Dirty Genes) has helped many of us to find reprieve from onerous histamine intolerance symptoms. But ultimately, the two are related: Lectins can induce mast cell reactions, which cause histamine intolerance symptoms.

The key message to understand in reading about histamine intolerance is this: Look beyond it to the root cause, which is always leaky gut, an imbalanced gut microbiome, diet and usually additional factors like stress or environmental factors. With a low-histamine diet and this goal in mind, a lectin-free diet is the logical next step, sometimes and often paired with a healing diet like GAPS or AIP; (AIP already emphasizes the omission of lectins from one’s diet but GAPS does not). Healing the gut for many means … needing to remove lectins!

The work of Dr. Moneret-Vautrin also supports this conclusion. She is a professor of medicine in France and specializes in immunology and allergies. Although less well known in America, Dr. Moneret-Vautrin’s histamine studies link the healing of the gut and the reduction of one’s histamine threshold with eliminating legumes and grains, essentially lectins!

I have not included foods prohibited on these diets. Find lists for what not to eat on a lectin-free diet here and those to avoid for a low-histamine diet here. Over time, some of the prohibited foods may be reintroduced, by trial and error, one at a time, while other foods will remain triggers and should be avoided long term.

To read more about both of these diets and to find additional resources scroll to the bottom of this post.

In short and by way of introduction, lectins are proteins often found in foods containing seeds, with some exceptions. Lectins are also found in some roots and in early stage leaves. High histamine foods are usually aged. Foods that are not high in histamines themselves but that encourage mast cells to release histamines are also ones to avoid, as they may cause the same symptoms. Unfortunately these foods include favorites like cocoa and shellfish. But remember, oftentimes these foods may be added back into one’s diet after a period of regaining balance or healing leaky gut.

Ultimately that’s the goal with histamines: We should re-test our threshold regularly and keep a small to moderate amount of histamines in our diet, according to what our bodies can handle, always trying to keep food diversity.

Additional Note: A minority of patients who struggle with histamine overload or a sensitivity to lectins are also sensitive to salicylates. While this post won’t go into that arena, I have noted in the lists below in parenthesis when a food approved for being low in lectins and histamines has a high salicylate content, as it may provide good insight for some of you, as you track down your unique sensitivities.

The Combined Food List (Yes! Foods)

Low-Histamine AND Lectin-free Combined Food List (Grocery List with Printable!) + latte recipe! (1)


Algae Oil (This one was new to me, but it’s so good! Find it here. Use it like you would avocado oil, especially if you can’t have avocado oil.)
Avocado Oil
Coconut Oil
Extra-Virgin Olive Oil
MCT Oil (Find it here.)
Perillo Oil (Find it here.)
Red Palm Oil
Sesame Oil
Walnut Oil
Virgin Cod Liver Oil (Find it here.)

Acceptable Nuts and Seeds in Moderation

No more than half a cup per day is recommended. Nuts and seeds (not including chestnuts which are already cooked) should always be soaked in salt water to make them more digestible. Learn how to soak nuts and larger seeds here. Learn how to “predigest” smaller seeds (like flax and hemp) here.

Flax seeds
Hemp seeds
Hulled Sesame Seeds
Brazil nuts
Blanched Almonds


FRESH fish only: any wild caught, up to 4 ounces per day (no shellfish)

Condiments & Miscellaneous

Sea salt (very important natural anti-histamine!)
ACV (safe for some and not for others)
Or use ascorbic acid + water to make a safe vinegar-like solution (Find great non-GM AA here.)
-Mix 5-1/2 teaspoons water with 1/2 teaspoon AA; stir to dissolve. (source)
Baking soda
Baking powder
Gelatin (may cause a histamine response for some)


Apples, fresh in season, (be cautious late winter through summer when they’re coming from cold storage)
Blueberries in season (sometimes high level of benzoates) and blackberries in season


A2 raw milk, preferably pasture-raised, must be very fresh (I find I tolerate it well for the first 5 days after milking.)
French or Kerrygold butter

Non-dairy Beverages

Unsweetened coconut milk
Chicory Herbal Coffee (Recipe here. [Scroll down for Chicory Breve Latte recipe!] Learn about prebiotics here.)

In support of enjoying chicory:
… mast cells are a source of histamine that could be preventing a low histamine, or histamine restricted diet, from working. Allergens, bacteria, viruses, parasites, stress, chemicals, pressure, vibration, heat, cold, all trigger the release of histamine from mast cells. So while minimizing histamine intake from foods might work in the short term, preventing mast cells from releasing histamine, and other inflammatory agents that compound the symptoms of histamine, is paramount (source)

However, if you are sensitive to salicylates, it may be best to avoid chicory. Yasmina Ykelenstam, now deceased, but founder of HealingHistamine.com cautions those with histamine intolerance or MCAD to balance our plates: not too many foods with salicylates, some but not too many foods high in oxalic acid, not too many histamines etc. Balance is key long term. So chicory may be better for some than for others (source).

In other words, try out a small cup of chicory coffee, and see how you do! If your body can tolerate chicory coffee, it may be a true health food for you. I am thankful it’s a food my body loves, so it’s a treat I can have! We need to find those treats, so we’re content while we heal. Chicory is also a great prebiotic food and good for colon health.


Coconut sugar
Maple sugar
Maple syrup

Low Carb Sweeteners

Monk fruit
Hardwood-derived xylitol
Luo han guo


Green plantains
Green bananas
Baobab fruit
Sweet potatoes or yams (anti-histamine but high amounts of salicylates)
Parsnips (high amounts of salicylates)
Celery root
Jerusalem Artichokes
Taro roots
Tiger nuts
Green mango
Millet/Sorghum (thyroid suppressing effects, should not be eaten too often or if thyroid, adrenal or low energy issues are present)
Green papaya


Broccoli (high amounts of salicylates)
Brussels sprouts
Cauliflower (anti-histamine)
Bok choy
Napa cabbage
Chinese cabbage
Swiss chard
Arugula (anti-histamine)
Watercress (high amounts of salicylates)
Kale (anti-histamine)
Red Cabbage (anti-histamine)
Nopales cactus
Onions (some people have a histamine response to onions)
Carrot greens
Beets (high amounts of salicylates)
Daikon radishes
Jerusalem artichokes
Hearts of palm
Okra (natural lectin blocker)
Asparagus (anti-histamine)
Garlic (anti-histamine)
Leafy greens
Red and green leaf lettuce
Dandelion greens
Butter lettuce
Mustard greens
Parsley (anti-histamine)
Basil (high amounts of salicylates)
Mint (high amounts of salicylates)
Lemon Verbena
Rosemary (high amounts of salicylates)
Sage (high amounts of salicylates)
Tarragon (high amounts of salicylates)
Thyme (high level of benzoates [only an issue for some people] and high amounts of salicylates)
Oregano (high amounts of salicylates)
Mushrooms (avoid during elimination diet, may be fine afterward)

Fresh Meat: Grass fed and grass finished, 4 ounces per day

Wild game (venison, elk, boar etc.)
Other Fowl (duck, goose, quail etc.)
Pastured or omega-3 eggs (make sure whites are fully cooked; avoid during elimination diet, may be fine afterward)

Did I miss anything? Let me know! This was quite the list to assemble!

Briefly, while we’re on the subject, if you’re struggling with a histamine sensitivity, keep in mind that this state is not a diagnosis, but rather a symptom of mast cell activation disorder. While many of us can obtain relief from symptoms by reducing histamines in our diet, ultimately we should address the underlying cause. Nutrients and foods known to stabilize mast cells include prebiotics, probiotics, selenium, vitamin C, quercetin, bromelain, nettles, butterbur, peppermint, ginger, thyme, turmeric and holy basil (source).

As always, it’s also important to reduce stress, get enough sleep (if you can) and see a practitioner if you suspect heavy metals in your system.

Additional Resources

I spoke above about mast cells releasing histamines and that certain foods encourage this to take place. Conversely there are some supplements that discourage histamines from being released, which is certainly one of the broader goals in rebalancing the body after histamines have gotten out of control. Personally I have found one supplement to be the most helpful in reducing the release of histamines! It’s quercetin. (Find it here.) I take one capsule with each meal, and that supplement alone has made a huge difference for me.

Another great option is this supplement by Seeking Health (created by Dr. Ben Lynch) which adds additional similar support with nettles, bromelain and broccoli seed extract added to the quercetin. (I don’t take this one because my body doesn’t digest coconut oil well, and this pill contains a coconut derived product; otherwise I would.)

Vitamin C is also a great mast cell regulator. (Here’s a preferred source from Camu Camu berries. We take 1 teaspoon daily, minimum, which is about 700 mg. Vitamin C is flushed from the body quickly, so if it doesn’t cause loose stools, it may be ideal to take this dose twice daily. Consult your doctor for dosage.)

Need a best source for DAO?? DAO is the enzyme that breaks down histamines. I wouldn’t go without this supplement, what a blessing it has been to me! And I’m excited to share it with you because it’s 100% food-based, with just one ingredient: grass-fed kidneys (which are naturally very high in DAO). I LOVE this supplement. Find Ancestral Supplements Kidneys here. I take 6 capsules daily. (All other DAO supplements I’ve found contain many unneeded additives.)

I may write another post on overcoming histamine issues and fully healing leaky gut with lectin elimination. But for now I hope you find this article helpful. Honestly, cutting out so many foods was hard for me too!! (Especially cheese!, she said weeping … ) But alas, regaining our health is worth it!!

Much love, recovery of balance and wellness to you! ~ Megan

I’d love to hear your experiences too! Tell me about your process of diagnosing or recovering from lectin and histamine issues!

Here’s your Grocery List Printable! Or Pin it!

Low-Histamine AND Lectin-free Combined Food List (Grocery List with Printable!) + latte recipe! (2)

Ready for a healthy treat?! Here’s the Chicory Breve Latte recipe! Enjoy.

Low-Histamine AND Lectin-free Combined Food List (Grocery List with Printable!) + latte recipe! (3)

Low-Histamine AND Lectin-free Combined Food List (Grocery List with Printable!) + latte recipe! (4)

Print Recipe

5 from 19 votes

Low-Histamine & Lectin-free Grocery List AND Chicory Breve Latte Recipe {AIP, Paleo, Keto}

{Low-Histamine & Lectin-free Grocery List} + This cup of herbal coffee is absolutely delicious!! Chicory Coffee brews up dark and bitter, just like real coffee. Dairy version: Adding homemade A2 half and half is the perfect creamy embellishment. A2 milk and cream need to be pasture raised to be healthful. See if you can find a local farmer near you who provides this fresh health food. Otherwise, use unsweetened coconut milk. I prefer my cup unsweetened. But for an extra treat, I give the option below of adding raw honey or pure maple syrup (over the top yummy and special!)

Prep Time5 minutes mins

Cook Time5 minutes mins

Course: Breakfast, Dessert, Snack

Cuisine: American

Keyword: chicory, coffee, herbal, latte, lectin-free, low-histamine

Servings: 1 16 ounce serving

Calories: 505kcal

Author: Megan

Cost: $1


  • saucepan


  • 8 ounces coffee hot chicory — see Recipe Notes for recipe link
  • 4 ounces milk raw A2, OR unsweetened coconut milk
  • 4 ounces cream raw A2, OR unsweetened coconut cream
  • 2 teaspoons raw honey or pure maple syrup, optional! I prefer no sweetener.


  • In small saucepan combine milk and cream.

  • Heat gradually over medium heat, stirring occasionally, until piping hot and steamy (about 5 minutes) but not yet simmering.

  • Pour chicory coffee and half and half into large mug. Add optional honey or maple syrup, to taste. Enjoy!


Find Chicory Coffee recipe HERE.

Find bulk chicory root HERE.


Calories: 505kcal | Carbohydrates: 20g | Protein: 6g | Fat: 46g | Saturated Fat: 28g | Cholesterol: 167mg | Sodium: 97mg | Potassium: 346mg | Sugar: 17g | Vitamin A: 1850IU | Calcium: 202mg

Additional Sources: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

Low-Histamine AND Lectin-free Combined Food List (Grocery List with Printable!) + latte recipe! (5)

Have you already adopted a low histamine and low lectin diet? I’d love to hear about your wellness journey.

Here’s the encouraging update on my wellness journey:

After months of research, I discovered the concept of Vitamin A toxicity. I started the diet that corresponds, and within two weeks my face rash was gone. Although odd to swallow at first, I am fully on board now with this concept. I encourage you to be very open-minded, because if you want to be well badly enough, I think you’re going to have some serious aha moments!

Here’s the first of several articles I plan to write on the topic and the printable grocery list that corresponds with the diet. Please comment below that article if you want any clarifications about foods that are okay to eat or how to start the diet.

UPDATE: My histamine issue is now resolved because of the Vitamin A Detox diet! Huge and exciting!! 🙂 I am about two months into the diet and expect continual overall health improvements (as well as ups and downs while my body detoxifies). I still eat low lectin but have introduced new foods in moderation from this list.

Here’s my latest post on the topic: .

Low-Histamine AND Lectin-free Combined Food List (Grocery List with Printable!) + latte recipe! (2024)


Is coffee OK for histamine intolerance? ›

In theory, caffeine blocks the effects of diamine oxidase (DAO), which is an important histamine degrading agent, which blocks the cleaning up of histamines from your system. To avoid the caffeine content, switch to a quality decaf. There are a few different methods for removing caffeine from the green coffee beans.

Which milk is best for histamine intolerance? ›

Fresh pasteurised milk and milk products. Milk substitutes – goat milk, sheep milk. Cream cheese, mozzarella, butter, (without the histamine generating rancidity) Most cooking oils – check suitability before use.

What can I drink on a low histamine diet? ›

Low Histamine Diet
  • water –carbonated, vitamin, flavored.
  • juice – cranberry, orange, acai.
  • coffee – regular & decaf.
  • teas – regular, green, herbal, iced.
  • sodas – colas, citrus, orange, diet.
  • drink powders – such as Kool-Aid®, lemonade, orange, or ice tea drinks.
  • sports drinks – most.
  • energy drinks – guarana, mate.

Is yogurt bad for histamine intolerance? ›

Based on the small amount of research available, it is thought that some of the bacteria used to ferment yoghurt and fermented foods could potentially exacerbate histamine production, so many people with histamine intolerance choose to avoid these types of foods.

What foods calm histamine? ›

Low-Histamine Alternatives
  • Fresh meat.
  • Fresh fruit, but with limited citrus and plantains, which are similar to bananas.
  • Fresh vegetables, but with limited tomato, eggplant, and spinach.
  • Rice and coconut milk.
  • Herbal tea, but avoid black and green tea.
  • Whole-grain products including pasta and bread.

Is coffee bad for antihistamine? ›

If you are taking diphenhydramine to help you sleep, you should also try not to drink anything that contains caffeine, such as coffee, tea, cola or energy drinks. Caffeine has the opposite effect to diphenhydramine on your body and can stop it working.

What is the strongest natural antihistamine? ›

What is the most powerful natural antihistamine? Researchers haven't yet established any natural product as the “best” or “most powerful.” Natural antihistamines with the most research backing their use include stinging nettle, vitamin C, quercetin, butterbur, bromelain, and probiotics.

How to flush out histamine? ›

Stay hydrated: Drinking enough water can help flush out histamine and other toxins from the body. Aim for at least 8 cups of water a day. Avoid triggers: Certain triggers, such as tobacco smoke and certain medications, can increase histamine levels. Avoiding these triggers can help reduce histamine levels in your body.

What is the best milk for sensitive gut? ›

According to this guide, almond, hemp, and coconut milks may work for people with IBS. Just pay attention to your serving size. You may also want to try kefir. The fermentation process lowers lactose to a better level for those with IBS and lactose intolerance.

What tea lowers histamine levels? ›

"Red tea", rooibos herbal tea contains several natural components (bioflavonoids such as rutin and quercetin) that block the release of histamines - an important factor in allergic reactions. Regular consumption of rooibos tea helps to metabolize allergens and to alleviate symptoms, including skin irritations.

Does drinking lots of water help histamine intolerance? ›

But research suggests that dehydration can trigger immune responses that involve histamine. Drinking enough water throughout the day may help reduce the chance of histamine-related responses across your body, including GI and asthma symptoms.

How do you get protein on a low histamine diet? ›

Low Histamine Meat, Fish and Poultry
  1. Fresh meat and poultry.
  2. Frozen meat that has been rapidly thawed.
  3. Eggs.
  4. Absolutely fresh caught fish.
  5. Frozen Fish rapidly thawed.
  6. Best fish choices: pollock, cod, trout, whitefish.
Mar 15, 2023

What is the best exercise for histamine intolerance? ›

Go for an all-natural, high quality, low histamine yoga mat that's going to leave you feeling refreshed and symptom-free. Walking is another great way to exercise without suffering the histamine-related consequences.

Are onions high in histamine? ›

All that said, there are foods that are really useful because they act as natural anti-histamines, inhibiting the action of histamine – these include onions, apples and blueberries. Read more about low-histamine foods.

How to heal your gut with histamine intolerance? ›

A low histamine diet involves reducing the intake of high-histamine foods, such as aged cheeses, processed meats, fermented foods, and alcohol – this falls into the remove phase of the 4 R's. It also means avoiding foods that block DAO enzymes, including certain fruits, vegetables, and artificial additives.

Does caffeine activate mast cells? ›

At relatively lower concentrations, caffeine or catechin alone did not stabilize mast cells. However, low concentrations of catechin synergistically potentiated the mast cell-stabilizing property of caffeine.

How do you calm histamine intolerance? ›

Medications for histamine intolerance

Medications may help relieve symptoms of histamine intolerance in combination with diet changes. Your healthcare provider may suggest: H1 and H2 antihistamines. These block histamine receptors in various parts of your body so histamine can't activate them.

Is coffee inflammatory? ›

Research suggests that coffee does not cause inflammation in most people—even if your norm is more than one or two caffeinated cups a day. In fact, it's quite the opposite. According to a 2021 study in Nutrients, coffee may have anti-inflammatory effects on the body.

What coffee is good for people with allergies? ›

Buy coffee that is 100 percent Arabica beans – Check that there are no additional ingredients or flavors. If there is a concern with ingredients, check the company's website FAQ page. Ingredients are often listed there along with information on how the ingredients were processed.


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Author: Gregorio Kreiger

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Name: Gregorio Kreiger

Birthday: 1994-12-18

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Introduction: My name is Gregorio Kreiger, I am a tender, brainy, enthusiastic, combative, agreeable, gentle, gentle person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.